
Virtual Transnational Project Meeting 3 – March 1, 2024

Virtual Transnational Project Meeting 3 – March 1, 2024

The Virtual TNPM was held March 1, 2023 in MS Teams DigiWELL team. The project progress overview was sumarized.

Within the framework of the WP3 – Digital Resilience Building Training Program & Training Materials all partners presented their created materials for modules. Partners discussed about modules structure, video materials and language translation options. CTU presented the learning methodology material content and structure.

EIfI-Tech provided background information on the organization of the upcoming Transnational Learning Training and Teaching Activity in Berline.

Posted by Tomas Toth in Meetings
Virtual Transnational Project Meeting 2 – October 27, 2023

Virtual Transnational Project Meeting 2 – October 27, 2023

The finalization of WP2 Digital Resilience Building Manual & Methodology was discussed. After incorporating the comments and suggestions from the Expert Review of the M&M, realized by EIfI-Tech, translations of M&M into the national languages of all 7 partners have to be realized.

Based on the discussion, the final decision was made on the creation of four training and learning modules within WP3 with the following involvement of partners:

Modul1 Digital Security – SUA in Nitra

Modul 2 Digital Wellbeing Digital Wellbeing – MSKU, SYZYGY

Modul 3 Digital Privacy – AIFED

Modul 4 Digital Citizenship – Elfl-tech, Found.ation

The partners should prepare proposal for the module content by the next meeting.

CTU in Prague is responsible for Digital Resilience Building learning methodology.

MSKU, the leader of WP5, informed about the organization of the Sharing and Promotion Event for Digital Resilience. Each partner should organize the event during November 2023.

Posted by Tomas Toth in Meetings
Virtual Transnational Project Meeting 1 / Kick off Meeting – February 24, 2023

Virtual Transnational Project Meeting 1 / Kick off Meeting – February 24, 2023

The first DigiWELL project meeting “Kick-off meeting” was held February 24, 2023 virtually thru created MS Teams DigiWELL team. The meeting was attended by representatives of 7 partners of the project consortium. Project coordinator SUA started by welcoming participants. Representatives of each partner briefly introduced its organisation. During the first project meeting, the main ideas of the project and individual work packages were summarized. SUA presented first draft of a risk management plan (RMP) to describe, analyse and treat risks, that may arise during the project’s lifespan or influence project’s progress. Financial management was presented and the rules for budgets monitoring and reporting were set up. Logistic arrangements and communication plan was discussed and agreed by all partners.


Posted by Tomas Toth in Meetings