Building Digital Resilience by Making Digital Wellbeing and Security Accessible to All

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DigiWELL project

As technology becomes more and more integral to everything people do, it can sometimes distract us from the things that matter most to us. Also, it crates security risks. The technology should improve our life, not distract from it. In this context, it is an inevitable necessity for a happy life that people have access to the competencies they need for Digital Wellbeing and Digital Security.

DigiWELL project aims to equip adults with the necessary competencies for Digital Wellbeing and Digital Security so that they can build a safe and happy life.

The overall aim of the project is to empower adults with the necessary competencies for digital wellbeing and digital security for enabling the digital resilience for all.

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Latest news

  • 4th Newsletter
    Welcome to the fourth and final volume of the DigiWELL newsletter! As our project concludes, we are proud to reflect on the significant impact we’ve made in equipping adults with the essential skills needed for digital wellbeing and security. By providing accessible, practicalContinue reading →
  • Digital Resilience Building Training Program
    In an era where technology deeply influences every aspect of our lives, building digital resilience has become essential for navigating the online world safely and effectively. The Digital Resilience Building Training Program, developed under the Erasmus+ project DigiWELL, is a groundbreaking initiative aimedContinue reading →
  • Digital Resilience Building OER Platform
    In today’s fast-paced digital world, knowing how to navigate online spaces safely and responsibly is crucial. That’s why we’re excited to introduce the DigiWELL OER (Open Educational Resources) platform! Designed as part of the Erasmus+ DigiWELL project, this platform offers a comprehensive suiteContinue reading →
  • Introducing the DigiWELL YouTube Channel: Your Guide to Digital Wellbeing and Resilience!
    In today’s digital world, our ability to stay informed and safe online is more crucial than ever. At DigiWELL, we’re excited to introduce our brand-new YouTube channel, designed to empower adults with essential knowledge on digital wellbeing, security, privacy, and citizenship. Through ourContinue reading →
  • 3rd Newsletter
    Welcome to the third volume of the DigiWELLnewsletter! We’re proud to continue our mission ofempowering adults with essential skills for digitalwellbeing and security, helping individuals strengthentheir digital resilience. By creating accessible andpractical tools, we ensure that everyone canconfidently navigate today’s complex digital world.Continue reading →
  • Dijital Esenlik ya da Dijital İyi Oluş Nedir?
    Çevrimiçi dünyada varlığımızı her anlamda arttırdığımız ve bu dünyanın iyiden iye bir parçası olduğumuz bu günlerde Digiwell projesi, geliştirdiği yaklaşımla dijital esenliği & iyi oluşu, dijital güvenliği yetişkinler için erişilebilir kılarak bu kişilerin dijital yılmazlığına, dayanıklılığına katkıda bulunmayı hedefliyor. Dijital esenlik kavramı buContinue reading →
